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Raise the level of alfalfa yield and quality on every acre. Pioneer® brand varieties are not "one-size-fits-all" products. Growers can choose from varieties with high-yielding, high-quality or winterhardy options.
- 55V50 Alfalfa
- Muscle segment
- High resistance ratings for phytophthora and aphanomyces race 1 and 2
- High overall root rot resistance
- 54Q14 Alfalfa
- Lodging resistance variety
- Combines high forage quality with agronomic lodging resistance
- Improved standability with more upright stems
- Very good winter-hardiness
- 55Q27 Alfalfa
- High forage quality
- Top yielding variety with aggressive regrowth adaptabed for dairy quality forage production
- Very good winter-hardiness and excellent disease resistance
- High suitability for heavy soils where root rots are a concern
- Holds high fiber digestibility for a longer period of time, good for an extended harvest window